Friday, September 12, 2008

A Late Night Insight

The Covering - Nine of Wands: Resilience

The Nine of Wands indicates that this is a time to stand firm and hold on to what you have. This card brings the prospect of stability and the chance of recovery from past problems. Resilience in the face of difficulties will be rewarded with victory if you remain patient, and if times still seem hard then take heart that you have the inner resources you need to maintain your position and win through in the end. Though opportunities may be limited for now, so are the chances of falling back. Face events with confidence, as whatever is happening is happening for the best, and perseverance will bring you to prosperity.

The arrogance is amazing
The self-centered, self-righteous, self-serving, self-aggrandizing arrogance is truly amazing.
How on earth is it possible to be so unaware to truth?
How is it possible to be so blind to the reality of the situations that are so central?
To be able to live in ignorant bliss must be like living with a soft warm fuzzy blanket pulled over your eyes and not have to pay attention to the world as it actually is.
I think I might love to be able to live like that.
I think that I might enjoy not to have to be self-aware and believe all of the crap.
I guess if the lies are told so many times, the false becomes fact.
That is the only way that it can all be explained.

This is for everything and I mean everything that happened in the last 24 to 36 hours.

Palin: Believes the lies that she is being trained to mimic, and seems to believe that man walked with the dinosaurs 4000 years ago. I am not even going to go into the substantive points of the interview.
: On The View today he looked intelligent women in the face, said the ads we true that he really believed that Obama WAS insulting Pailn. PLEASE.
Those who “Hunkered Down”: I want to personally thank you for putting the first responders in harms way with your stubborn persistence to stay behind.
All of it
: It is truly unbelievable on every level.

I am not sure if it is right to be angry, but I am. Angry with every aspect of it all and to top it off, there will now have to be search and rescue operations as well as search and recovery operations. There was a story about a dog that was carried away because the owners of the dog tried to leave to late. Things like this make me so very angry, this and so much more.

I do not like being angry like this, it makes me feel petty and in some way I think I should be stronger than this.

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