Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday April 27th.

I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday morning!

I took a few hours off yesterday afternoon to go to the Pima County Fair. Now, to say that there was excellent people watching at the fair is the understatement of the decade. It can be a bit of an overwhelming experience; it is definitely a visual and auditory overload. I find that I have to turn off part of my brain in order to be able to take it all in and not be pushed over the edge with all of the external stimulus attacking me from every angle.

There are things that re not to be missed at any really good county fair. I love all of the 4-H exhibits. There were 2 girls who blew glass bowls; the photography was actually really good, sewing/quilting projects and cooking. Of course my favorite, the animals, rabbits, Guinea pigs, ducks, chickens/roosters, pigeons, cows, alpacas and sheep. I have to say that the best are the pigmy goats. Jeez are these things cute. Now all good fairs are smart if they have the fair in the spring because there were so many babies running around and what cold-hearted fool does not like a baby animal. God are they cute as hell.

In all of this mayhem is the constant drone of the livestock auction for all of these animals. That world is so different, the care that is taken to raise, care for and enter these animals for competition all to culminate in their sale. Now you all need to realize that I have a hard time getting rid of stuffed animals that I have. Somewhere I feel that they may have feelings or will feel abandoned. Here are the children, raising these beautiful creatures knowing that they will have to part with them and that is just the realities of life.

I find that these events give me a very different perspective on the importance that I place on anything. There is a truth here, one that these children being around the cycles of life so intimately, posses a pragmatism that I must say I am jealous of. The simplicity of a youth’s view of the world blessed with some innate sense of the cycle of life that is gained from their existence. I watch each of these kids (such the wrong word) take care of their charges and answer questions with pride in their accomplishments.

The rest of my day was dedicated to the new handouts that I have to generate in the next month for B&B. I am working diligently and trying like crazy not to screw up the spelling and grammar. I will freely admit to the fact that I cannot spell to save my life. I was of that age group when the US thought it would be a great idea to introduce Phonics as the way to spell. Now, if you look at many of my “goofs” you will see that they are phonetically, on the money. I just wish that that effort counted, but alas, it does not and so I am relegated to Spell Check and the occasional friend that points out my errors.

The tasks go on and I will keep my head down and just keep forging ahead. There has been way to much thinking going on and the realizations that come along with all of that pondering are just as tiring. I am looking forward to my drive to Wisconsin. I hope it will be just as relaxing as my drive up to Portland. And I am stopping off to see Cris and Paul on my way. The similarities are adding up!

Just remember; I have no idea what you're talking about... so here's a bunny with a pancake on it's head

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