Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday April 20th.

I have been working on several articles to B&B and Art Jewelry these past few days. They are progressing nicely and I am glad to say that they will be finished today. It is an absolutely beautiful day here and I am going to work out in the yard and go swimming after I get these articles written.

A few short weeks ago, I told you all that I thought that I had killed my printer; its untimely passing occurred at 10:43am April 20th 2008. It was an honorable machine and served me well. I feel for any printer that I purchase because I am very aware that it has a life expectancy of about a year with me. I feel responsible for pushing it over the edge day before yesterday because I was printing enough to make the Library of Congress seem small. (Well, Not Really, Just seemed that way at the time!) I said my fair-thee-wells and promptly drove off to the office supply store and now I am the proud owner of a brand spanking new Epson CX8400, printer, scanner, and copier.

Here is Wake Up Cat - Enjoy Every Nuance!

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