Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday March 16th.

I may have killed my printer today! By the end of the day it was making sounds that no printer should ever make. Rather scary actually, it could induce nightmares of a kind. With all of the printing I do over the course of a year I go through one printer a year. Really, no foolin'. Thousands of handouts for classes takes a toll on any piece of equipement. I went through more than ream of paper just today. It got to the point that I had to basically work next to the printer so I could oversee the paper feeder. VERY BORING!

Still, I got lot's done today. All of the printing for Portland is DONE! HA! I squeezed the last bit of life out of the printer! After a bit of a rest there may be life in the baby yet. One can hope.

I have moved on to Melissa Etheridge.

~If I Only Wanted To~

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