Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday June 10th

Repeat three times and click your heals together.

(Unfortunately, my Keen sandals kind of make a squishy thud like noise but the intent is there!)

There’s no place like home; there’s no place like home; there’s no place like home!

Yes Elizabeth B, it is 103º and it IS a dry heat and my bones have never been happier. Right now it is 6:12 pm and it is 104º. I am as happy as a clam. I got to Tucson around 2pm and after quickly unloading the MINI, I dove in the pool clothes and all. GOD, it felt good.

I did it again. I kept driving and driving. I started out yesterday morning in Milwaukee around 7:45am and did not stop driving till I hit the Colorado/New Mexico boarder, 1300 miles and 18 hours later. I stopped at a rest stop, put the drivers seat all the way down flat and slept hard for 3 hours. I drive with a pillow, blanket & eye mask, those are the essentials for hard core driving. Even in the middle of the day you can take a power nap if you need to, just make sure that you can put your seat down as flat as possible or you have a place to lie down.

I started out again at 5am and was lucky enough to find a “Roach Coach” at a service station that was making REALLY GREAT breakfast burritos. YUMMY. I had one and a half!!!!! (Guilty as charged!)

I drive hard on the first day so I know that I do not have another day like that in the car. It is a wonderful feeling to still have a good part of the afternoon when I get home and it was wonderful.

The end of the show is always bitter sweet, I had a wonderful, funny, enlightening, engaging, entertaining, work filled and sad 8 days of teaching and show! I want to thank each attendee who came and helped support all of the artists and instructors that ply their trades.

I have a special shout out to PAT from my Saturday session of Viking Knit. If you read this, know that I am so proud that you hung in there and gave me that last 15 minutes to make sure that you had a good class. It is people like you that make teaching for me such a wonderful experience. Thank you again.

Here are a few shots from Gail L. who was in the 3-day class! Don’t I look really intent fusing with 2 torches? Now that is Rockin’

I have more images to post tomorrow including the reunion with my long lost twin brother!
The things our mothers never told us about!

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