Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday February 8th

There are mornings that you wake up and you are just so amazingly happy to be alive. This morning was one of those mornings. I was talking on the phone way to late last night when the winter rains arrived here. I was lucky, that they lasted long enough that after the conversation I got to go stand out in the rain and get drenched down to my skin. The rain was cold but the smell of the rain on the desert breezes is just too much to pass by. But the real moment was this morning. As we were on the way out to the show today the light and the clouds and the snow on the Catalina Mountains. I was so glad that I was not the one driving this morning, poor Gail had to drive while I loudly exclaimed that "I Love Tucson in the WINTER!" Sorry Gail!

The day here at the show is starting off really well, quite a few friends have stopped by to say hello and to ohh and ahh over my booth…I must remember to pay them off properly, it has garnered several sales due to their attentions. Thanks guys.

Tomorrow is the last day of the show. I cannot believe that it is already done. Why does time move in such amazing lines. Fast…slow…and then at the speed of light…I can look at the clock at midnight and then look up again and see that it is 3am. I mean really, that is rather rude of time to get away from me like that.

Well I am going to have a gathering at the house this evening. We are going to grill out and just relax and laugh till we hurt. That is just what we do! Have as beautiful of a day as I am having!

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