The insanity of the Gem Show is now done for me. It is a bitter sweet kind of thing for me, as much as I love having everyone in town and staying with me I have to say that I am going to enjoy having a bit of quiet back in my house. My cats were real troopers and dealt with the invasion with typical cat aloofness and feline distain for the invasion of their domicile.
I have been in another world and another reality these past weeks. I have 3 or 4 posts started and have never made to the finished status. Every time I would sit down to write out a post I find that I am totally distracted, lose all sense of time and space and all of it would morph in ways that I can not explain, then I would look up and see that several days have passed and it all seems like a blur as I look back and try to piece time back together to see where it has gone.
They say that a boiled pot does not boil or that time flies while you are having fun…Well I am here to tell you that both are true in their own weird and funky way. I can be at my booth at a show and it can seem that time crawls like molasses in winter and yet I can look at a clock at 11 or 12 o’clock and then look again and hours have passed and it seems as if I have lost this time until I close my eyes and recall these hours. There are times when it takes an act of will to remember these hours and it is an act to keep the images and words all in order.
So once again I have to catch you up on this week.
Sunday Night: I had Gail, Stacey, Andrea, Whit Jill, JP & Bria over for a grill out. The evening met all predictions on all levels. We laughed so hard and for hours, the best part was that so little of the evening was spent talking about work or beads or anything other than random threads of conversation that made us all sore from our own laughter and the laughter of everyone around us.
Monday: Was the last day of the Whole Bead Show at the Windmill. It did seem a bit silly to have an entire day. 10am -6pm but those were the rules and we all lived up to the task. I was my typical self and had my entire booth broken down, packed up and in the trunk in about 20 minutes. Gail, Andrea, Whit & I went out to dinner and had a really nice last visit. Everyone was all a-buzz about the thought that there might be 1 to 3 inches of snow here overnight..I just kept saying..not likely to happen down here but up in the mountains yea...but not in town. (I was right.)
Tuesday: I had a whole list of things that needed to be done on Tuesday and the only thing in the list that was accomplished was my laundry. Jill came over and we pretty much spent the day being stupid and recovering from a weeks worth of insanity.
Wednesday: Gail More & I went to the Pueblo Inn & the River View Inn Mineral shows. I got some really fun pieces to work on and also got 2 more meteors to play with. I actually got a few hours by myself yesterday and actually fell asleep in the sun just like a sun-drunk kitten. I just sat down on my bed and just thought that I would close my eyes for just a moment and then woke up about an hour later.
Thursday: Gail Moore's last day with me. We had these plans to have a total play date at the bench but I remembered that I had to get out orders that had been sitting in my PalPay to do folder for days…That took the better part of the morning and after we both did our run to the Post Office we kind of had some resin fun with several pieces that Gail had prepped. We are BOTH trying to NOT touch the surface of the resin…It is SO hard not to touch the stuff…It is so COOL.
Friday: was a day of getting Gail ready to get out the door. Trying to get some printing done for her and making her life easier and that failed miserably in all counts. Gail left around 1pm and I have spent these last few hours just reacquainting myself with silence.
So that is it for now! I will have more tomorrow!
Teaching all weekend and looking forward to that as well
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