Tomorrow is AUGUST? What the F?
Here are the Kinks: Tired of Waiting for You!
I'm so tired
Tired of waiting
Tired of waiting for you
I'm so tired
Tired of waiting
Tired of waiting for you
I was a lonely soul
I had nobody till I met you
But you keep-a me waiting
All of the time
What can I do?
Its your life
And you can do what you want
Do what you like
But please don't keep-a me waiting
Please don't keep-a me waiting
cause I'm so tired
Tired of waiting
Tired of waiting for you
So tired
Tired of waiting
Tired of waiting for you
I was a lonely soul
I had nobody till I met you
But you keep-a me waiting
All of the time
What can I do?
Its your life
And you can do what you want
Do what you like
But please don't keep-a me waiting
Please don't keep-a me waiting
cause I'm so tired
Tired of waiting
Tired of waiting for you
So tired
Tired of waiting
Tired of waiting for you
For you
For you
The world will never be the same!!! What a day!
After 4 ½ years: Ivan Pudge Rodriguez is moving to NY to play for the Yankees
After 8 ½ years: Ken Griffey Jr. is moving to the Chicago IL to play for the White Sox
After 7 ½ years: Manny Ramirez is moving to California to play for the Dodgers?
The MLB is shuffling around established players like chess pieces to make gains for the rundown to the fall classic!
The Yankees want another pennant and if they do not make the playoffs this year and the Dodgers do, all hell will break loose in NYC.
The Chicago White Sox have the worst hitting team in the Majors yet they still lead their division by a game and a half they need new blood to kick start the team and to rotate the lineup and give players some time off.
And the management of Boston is just fed up with Manny’s antics. I cannot blame them after his lackadaisical approach to the game for the last few weeks; it has been a truly shameful way to play the game!
Well the player trading ended at 4pm EST today! We will see if these trades have the desired effects for the
The door and overhang are done and it looks wonderful. I could not be more pleased with having this MAJOR issue with the house fixed and fixed really well. Like Monty said, I now know where to go if we
ever have an earthquake! This thing is SOLID!!!!!
An almost finished Bad Ass Door

A Finished Bad Ass Door

I got my B&B submissions all mailed off for processing by the staff and now comes the waiting game!
But more than anything, I am looking forward to Cris & Gail getting in on the 7th and Stacey showing up on the 8th. We are gonna have a blast playing with PMC and the new Bronze Clay and just generally having a really silly time filled with much gaiety and frivolity!
It is hot 108º at 6pm and I am going out for a swim and then back to work for just a few more hours!